Wednesday 23 May 2012

Struts For you

Why Struts

Every Web application contains multiple logics in web resources programs . They are

ØRequest gathering Logic
ØForm Validation Logic
ØPresentation Logic
ØBusiness Logic/Request Processing Logic
ØPersistence Logic
ØSession Management Logic
ØMiddleware Services

Model-1 Architecture 

Limitation of Model-1 Architecture.
ØIn Every Server side program multiple logics will be placed. This indicates there are no clean separation of logics
Ø Modification done in one logic effects  other  logics of server side Program
ØGives Complexity in maintnence & enhancement of the application Due to this Productivity is very Poor.
ØProgrammer  should impliment some middleware services manuvally along with regular logics this improves burden on the Programmer.

MVC-2 Architecture.

Advantages Of MVC-2 Architecture

ØSince Multiple layers are there in web application Clean separation of logics are possible
ØModification done in the logics of one layer does not effect logics of other layers
ØMaintenance and enhancement of web application becomes easy
ØParallel development is possible so gives good Productivity

Ø Since the model layer can be placed outside the web application the logics of model layer can be made reusable for multiple web application

While Developing MVC-2  Architecture based application we need to follow certain rules. These rules are called MVC-2  Principles
ØEvery Layer in MVC-2 architecture is given to have certain type of logics place only those logics and  don’t place any extra logics.

ØEvery Operation that takes place in mvc-2 application must be executed under the controlling and monitoring of  “Controller Servlet “

ØThere can be multiple resource in view layer and there can be multiple components or application in model layer but there should be only one servlet acting as Controller

ØView Layour resources must not talk with model layer resource directly and vice versa. This should takes place through controller Servlet.

ØTwo Resource of view layer must not interact with each other directly. It must take place through controller servlet.

Frame Work Software:
Frame Work Software is a special software that is capable of developing certain architecture based application having the ability to generate certain common logics of the application dynamically based on other logics supplied by the programmer.
Design Patterns are the set of rules which come as best solutions for reoccurring problem of application development
Different types of Frame Works Software in Java Environment.
üStruts------------------------> Apache Foundation

üJSF--------------------------->Sun Micro System(Oracle Corporation)

üWebWork------------------->Open Symphony

Spring MVC------------------>SpringSource 

About Struts
Type: Web Framework software to develop MVC2 architecture based
Version: 1.x (Compatable with j2sdk 1.4+)1.3.8
                2.x (Compatable with j2sdk 1.5+)2.3.1
Vendor: Apache Foundation (open Source s/w)
Creator: criag mechallan and team
Struts Frame work gives

§Baseframework Software
§Jsp tag libraries
§Example applications
§Jar files
§Source Code
§Plugins: Validator plugin,Tiles Plugin

Note: a plug-in is a patch software application or software which can enhance the facilities of existing software or software application

Topics In Struts 1.x
2.Struts First Application

Topics In Struts 2.x

1.Introduction about Struts2.x
2.Struts First Application
3.Struts Validation
4.Struts Interceptors
5.Struts Annotations

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