1.Supports POJI/POJO Model Programming.
2.Light-Weight Technology to develop database software
independent persistence logic.
3.Allows to work with any java,j2ee,Framework software based application to make them interaction with database software.
3.Allows to work with any java,j2ee,Framework software based application to make them interaction with database software.
4.Gives Built-in Transaction Management , Connection
pooling support.
5.Allows to work with third party JDBC Connection pool
Software like C3P0, Proxool and etc..
6.Supports two levels caching to reduce network round
trips between client application and database software.
7.Allows to call PL/SQL Procedures and functions
7.Allows to call PL/SQL Procedures and functions
8.Gives HQL(Hibernate Query Language) as database
software independent query language to perform persistance operations
9.Allows to work with database specific native sql to perform persistance operations.
10.Allows Object level relationships in the development
of persistance logic when tables
are there in relationships like one-one ,one-many,many-many
11.Gives special Data Structures like Bag,IdBag and etc to support
Object Level Relationships
12.Easy to learn and
easy to apply.
14.Hibernate Applications Using Annotations
b)One - One
15.Hibernate Objective Questions
15.Hibernate Objective Questions
16.Hibernate Interview Questions